
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Project 52 Wk 40


I need change in my life.  I get bored easily, and love variety.  So with every ending of a season I welcome the next.  This past weekend I was able to get away with some girlfriends for an overnight in the country.  We sat by the fire and chatted late into the night.  It was a much needed "change" of pace.  

Next up is an amazing photographer who always challenges my creativity: 


  1. laurie, this is such a pretty collection through which i can very nearly FEEL the fall. the fall i so miss! each one is great, but the first one could really stand alone.

  2. how interesting that you love the change - that definitely comes across in the pictures though i was hoping to see you all around the fire at night; but the crisp colors you've shown do feel (and smell) like the season at hand.

  3. Laurie, these are all so pretty and what a wonderful change of pace for you!

  4. It is definitely fall where you are and you captured it so perfectly! These are all really well done and you are growing into a stronger photographer each week. I'm a little opposite of you in that I just love summer and wish it would stay summer all the time. ;-)

  5. Laurie, these photos perfectly capture the beauty of fall, my favorite season. And good for you for getting a chance to get away and take some time for yourself!

  6. Oh, these images create a longing in me for the fall season. We definitely do not have that here in TX. Gorgeous colors and perspectives with the trees. Sounds like a perfect time for you.

  7. A much needed girl's weekend does a body good! So great that you got to do this. I love the green/orange close up of the leaves on the tree.
