
Monday, October 22, 2012

13 before 2013

It's that time of year when holidays are quickly approaching and the end of the year is near.  A friend of mine on the bloom forum posted a visual board of 13 things she wanted to accomplish by 2013.  Her board was so beautiful that it motivated me to create a list of my own.  If you are a visual person, try this the next time you want to create a bucket list or goal list.  This was super fun to create!

1. complete a pinterest inspired craft
2.  write encouraging notes to those i've been thinking about 
3.  cook at least 3 healthy dinners a week
4.  pray daily for over our future plans for 2013...hopefully moving to a bigger home!
5.  finish strong with my project 52 photography group...and get in more pictures! 
6.  create a 2012 family photo album
7.  workout at least 2 times a week (ugh!)
8.  keep the master bedroom tidy (this seems impossible)
9.  go on a creative date night with the hubs, not just dinner.  :) 
10.  actually make a fire in the fireplace!
11.  find a way to display christmas cards
12.  make Isaac's halloween costume on my own
13.  read my bible while kids nap

Follow up to come...

1 comment:

  1. This is soooo cool! I need to make one! You inspire me daughter!!
