
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Project 52 Wk 38


After having kids i'm not sure I really know the meaning of this word anymore... neither does big brother.  

Every week I am amazed at the creative minds in this photography group.  I'm sure this week will be no different, be prepared to be dazzled by:Heather Robinson - Durham, NC


  1. Laurie, I'm with you on the alone thing, it just doesn't happen very often. Love these photos, what a fun fall scene!

  2. i was wondering who would interpret it this way :-) i'm not a mom and i can't even imagine how alluring the word 'alone' is...and these with your boys sort of highlight your sentiment!

  3. oh, laurie...we know. my daughter and i know. but isn't it sweet when you have memories like this to show for all the sharing? i love the way your pictures are so full of real life these days. great stuff.

  4. How I would love some alone time. :) But then again, my life is colorful with children. I love the open mouth as if to say no one is allowed in. Oh, the older siblings are trained so young to be patient - they always have someone younger on their heels. So cute!

  5. Laurie these photos are so good! They made me laugh. I love how you capture their relationship.

  6. Ha ha! This is awesome, and I so understand. =) Fantastic photos as well lady. I'm sure they'll look back at these later and have quite the laugh.

  7. That first one cracks me up. "No little brothers allowed!" Perfect! Alone...I had to look it up in the dictionary?!
