
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Project 52 Wk 37


This weeks theme inspired me to capture the "details" of everyday life in our home.  These might be some of my favorite images yet....

There is something special about these two and the way they love eachother.  Each of them have such tender hearts toward eachother, even after a fight they make up quickly.  I love living life with them! 

The blog circle continues with the fabulous: Pamela Joye, Salem, MA


  1. your first image presents in one composition all that's to follow - i like the naturalness and realness. the messiness. it's as if we were invited in for a peek.

  2. i LOVE these. i love the black and white, the brothers, the little tangled limbs, the affection. you nailed it laurie :)

  3. I love these images. The first two and the last two really speak brotherly love! Priceless!

  4. I love each and every one of these images. I can feel their relationship and the love they share through these photos.

  5. I love these Laurie! These are memories that I would love to capture as well - life at home. I cracked up at the foot in the face. True brotherly love.

  6. Awe, Laurie, these are so sweet (and beautiful)! Your boys are just so cute and you can completely feel their playfulness and love toward each other. Awesome job capturing a day together, you will all love them years later. Especially love the last one!!
