
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Project 52 Wk 47


All month long we have been working on our thankful tree.  Everyday, we would put up something we are thankful for.  The things my three year old came up with were priceless:  train tables, choo choos, chicken, himself...we had to beg him to say mommy and daddy.  I am looking forward to making this a tradition and getting a picture of the boys by their thankful tree every year.  

I am so thankful for this amazing group of photographers that I get to be a part of.  Each one has been so encouraging to me on this photography journey.  Be sure to follow the blog circle to the talented:  Pamela Joye- Salem,MA


  1. oh that is sooooo cute and it's the little things - the choo choos and chicken - that mark this. kids always show me how simple things can be if i would but allow them. very sweet portraits - that last one of the little hand kills me!

  2. I love this idea!!! I am definitely doing it with my kids next year. Your boys are so adorable. I love the way you capture them.

  3. oh my goodness Laurie, this is an amazing idea! I LOVE your thankful tree! And the things your boys have chosen are absolutely precious. I agree with Pamela also, those little hands are insanely sweet!!!

  4. Laurie, this last picture of your boys together just melts my heart. What a wonderful way for them to learn about gratitude. Seriously, that last picture is so precious:)

  5. I absolutely LOVE your grateful tree. I think I'll incorporate that for the month of December in a christmas tree. We can compare 3yo gratitude ideas. :)

  6. So adorable, I can't wait until my little one is old enough to do fun activities like this. Your boys are so sweet. :)
