
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Project 52 Wk 6


This week kind of snuck up on me.  I wasn't really sure what to do for this theme but then noticed my dog's nose running and remembered that dogs noses are "cold!"  

...and yes that dog's cold nose is responsible for the constantly dirty window! 

Did I mention I got a new lens (50mm 1.4) for my birthday this week?!!!! I'm still learning how to use it, but i'm so excited to have a new toy to play with! 

Welcoming to the group this week is the talented 
Patricia Anderson - Chicago, IL , go check her out and all of the other amazing entries!


  1. Yay, Laurie! I'm so happy you got your lens! You are going to LOVE it! It will be the best money you could spend as far as equipment goes. Just be prepared to be amazed! And great job this week - love the pooch!

  2. that is a GREAT lens! you will be so thrilled with the results you can get out of it :) i can totally relate to the dog-nose-smudges on the windows...that's a cute capture :)

  3. So funny, I love the mental process of getting your image this week because it sounds so like me. I would think just that, "wet nose.... COLD!" Congrats on your new lens! It's true that it will make a stunning difference in your photography the more acquainted you become with it.

  4. you are doing a fantastic shot with your lens! great for details right? what a wonderful shot of the nose. love it.

  5. Yay for new lenses!! I hope for another soon to add to my lonely 35mm. Great shots. And I also remember that being the same of my dog's nose when I was young.

  6. Love your dog's nose and the paw print! Enjoy your new lens! See you next week.
