
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Project 52 Wk 5


What a fun theme! I have always felt uneasy about taking out my camera in shops/stores. This week I wanted to challenge that fear and so I busted it out in Target! It wasn't as scary as I had thought. (disclaimer: just the first 2 pics were taken in store, i didn't open any candy until I got home)  

*Check out all the pink goodness going on this week starting with the fabulous Marsette Guerrero- Kingwood, Tx-


  1. Very cool!!! Gotta love taking the camera to Target!!! Right there with you!!!

  2. i think i like the last image the most...and of course PINK is an appropriate theme with valentines being just days away <3

  3. fun and orignal! have never taken a camera inside a store, but always want to capture the kids that way. you've inspired me. nice job.

  4. Love your product shots in Target - I've tried as well and it can be a bit intimidating. Your closeups of the heart are fabulous and love that you can even see the chips in them.
