
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Project 52 Wk 49


My goal for this week was to play around with a slower shutter speed (something i've never really tried before) and try to capture the activity of my kids.  Instead, I ended up with a sleeping baby.  Children sure do look angelic while they sleep don't they? 

Next up this week is the incredible:  Heather Robinson - Durham, NC


  1. Wow! I am sitting here wondering what that is above his head! Of course it looks like a halo! How awesome! Great job with the slow shutter speed!

  2. Holy cow! How did you do that?? I never play around with slow shutter speed. Thanks for inspiring me!

  3. Love it! You will have to share how you achieved this but I have an idea in mind. Perfect sleeping angel. So sweet. :)

  4. i too didn't know what that was even after reading your intro! i have no idea how you got it to float - i'm guessing you had fun with this week!!

  5. Aw,what a sweetie. I just love how he is sleeping all tucked together with the halo of light above his head. Great job!
